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SaaS Alerts

Defend your SaaS applications with advanced automated security threat detection and immediate response capabilities.

saas alerts cyber threat protection

Protect Critical SaaS Business Applications from Cyberthreats

SaaS environments provide a broad attack surface for cybercriminals to exploit security gaps, human error, shadow IT, and lack of security expertise.

Logically offers SaaS Alerts as part of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy to keep critical business applications secure from internal and external threats. SaaS Alerts monitors managed SaaS environments, including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Slack, Dropbox, Okta, and Duo. It alerts your security team to unusual user behavior and unauthorized access, automating response and remediation to minimize the blast radius.

Why Every Second Matters

In 2023:

  • The number of data compromises increased by 78 percent over the previous year.
  • The total number of victims topped 3.5 million.
  • Primary attack vectors included cyberattacks, system and human error, physical attacks, and supply chain attacks.

From the Identity Theft Resource Center’s 2023 Annual Data Breach Report

SaaS Security Challenges and Common Concerns

Organizations of every size depend on third-party SaaS solutions for critical business functions. Logically and SaaS Alerts strengthen your cybersecurity posture and protect your managed SaaS environments by mitigating internal and external risks and putting safeguards in place to detect threats and shut them down fast.

Data Breaches

  • A breach can expose sensitive customer and company data, leading to identity theft and financial losses.
  • Data breaches can result in loss of customer trust and loss of business due to lack of adequate data protection.

Poor Configuration Management

  • Misconfigured systems can inadvertently expose data or services to the internet.
  • Failing to apply security patches promptly can leave systems open to known vulnerabilities.

Third-Party Risks

  • Third-party SaaS vendors may have weak security practices, creating an entry point for attackers.
  • Inadequate vetting of third-party integrations can introduce security flaws.

Insider Threats

  • Employees may expose data through intentional leaks, accidentally misconfigured settings, or phishing attacks.
  • Unauthorized SaaS applications (also known as shadow IT) aren’t monitored and secured according to company policies.

Inadequate Incident Response

  • Without a comprehensive incident response plan, breaches may go undetected and unresolved for long periods.
  • Inefficient response procedures and poor communication can lead to prolonged downtime and data loss.

Regulatory Non-Compliance

  • Non-compliance with data protection regulations can result in substantial fines and/or restrictions on business operations.
  • Non-compliance can damage a company's reputation and erode customer trust.

Enhance Your Security Posture with SaaS Alerts and Logically

As a cyber-first managed services provider, Logically’s partnership with SaaS Alerts works in alignment with our contingent of cybersecurity solutions—including XDR, EDR, and security awareness training—to secure your managed SaaS environment.

Get 24/7/365 peace of mind with Logically and SaaS Alerts

Detect Threats in SaaS Environments

SaaS Alerts integrates with the world’s most popular SaaS business applications, including Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, Salesforce, Slack, Dropbox, Okta, and Duo, providing advanced security threat detection. 

SaaS Alerts monitors for events such as:

  • Successful logins from unapproved locations
  • Internal or external data exfiltration 
  • Dangerous file-sharing practices
  • Unauthorized SaaS application usage (shadow IT)
  • Security configuration changes 
  • Unauthorized devices 
  • Dangerous inbox rule behavior
  • Risky file-sharing practices
  • Granting of admin access
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Automated Threat Remediation

Bad actors can do a lot of damage to your SaaS environment in minutes. SaaS Alerts automates a response to security alerts—for example, locking a compromised account or terminating file-sharing activity—giving the Logically security team time to act and minimize damage.


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Office 365 Security Monitoring and Alerting

SaaS Alerts monitors more than 50 different events within the Microsoft 365 environment, looking for suspicious behavior, risky file-sharing behavior, or unauthorized access by bad actors.

If an issue is detected, automated alerts are sent via email and text message to notify technicians of a potential security issue. To speed time to resolution, SaaS Alerts can auto-generate tickets in the PSA solution.

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Google Workspace Monitoring and Alerting

SaaS Alerts monitors more than 30 events within Google Workspace. If malicious activity is detected, the system immediately generates an alert, sending it to technicians via email. SaaS Alerts can also create a ticket in the PSA solution to increase efficiency when an issue is found.

SaaS Alerts advanced automated security header

Monthly Reporting

Monthly reports detailing unusual behaviors, risky activities, and potentially malicious actions give the Logically security team insight into potential hazards in your SaaS environment, allowing us to identify where additional education or fortification may be needed.

SonicWall’s steadfast commitment to not just maintaining, but growing their security efficacy year over year empowers Logically to confidently protect thousands of customer networks.
Cara Parfitt
Vice President, Technology Alliances, Logically

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