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Mental Health & Resilience: Navigating the Demands of Tech Leadership


Speaker: Amanda Berlin, CEO, Mental Health Hackers

As technology progresses, so does the burden on the shoulders of tech leaders, encompassing not just organizational objectives but also the weight of ensuring safety and integrity. The challenge of safeguarding an ever-evolving cyber environment can be daunting, as is the resulting work-related stress. This session will address the often-overlooked facet of tech leadership: mental well-being and resilience in high-stress scenarios.

Session Highlights:

  • The Silent Strain: Dive into the unique stresses and pressures cybersecurity leaders face in today’s rapidly changing technology ecosystem.
  • Building Resilience: Explore practical strategies to strengthen mental fortitude, ensuring decision-making remains sharp and effective even under duress.
  • Work-Life Harmony: Discover approaches to strike a balance, ensuring that the demanding nature of tech leadership doesn’t overshadow personal well-being and life outside of work.
  • Support Systems: Understand the value of cultivating a supportive work environment and how peer connections, mentorships, and professional networks can serve as crucial lifelines.

The role of a tech leader extends beyond technical expertise; it’s about managing oneself amidst the whirlwind of responsibilities and pressures. This session aims to shine a light on the mental challenges of the role, offering guidance, strategies, and support to those at the helm of our digital future.