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Protecting Against Zero Day Attacks with Managed IT Services

Zero Day Attacks represent one of the greatest threats to your organization's security.

During the attack, hackers find and target software vulnerabilities to gain access to your network before the associated vendor can issue a fix. With a zero day attack, cybercriminals have all the keys to your environment and can do what they want with your systems and data.

Read our whitepaper today.

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What this Whitepaper will cover:

  • Why Worry About Zero Day Attacks?

Learn what a zero day attack is, and a few reasons why every business needs to care about them.

  • Protecting Against and Responding to an Attack

Learn the vital steps every organization can take both before and after they experience a zero day attack.

  • Outsourcing Cybersecurity to a Managed IT Service Provider

Learn why outsourcing the cybersecurity aspect of IT operations is a viable choice for organizations

Fill out the form below to download Zero Day Attacks Whitepaper.

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In this whitepaper, you will learn more about the impact zero day attacks can have at your organization, and why you should consider working with a Managed IT Service Provider to protect your data and respond to these threats.